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Your trade fair visa

In July 2013 a decree was issued by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs that an invitation letter by the trade show organizer is as a rule no longer needed when applying for visa in order to attend a trade show in Germany. All Visa Centers as well as German Embassies and Consulates were informed about this decree
Here you can find the overview of visa fees. Please refer in your visa application to this. If an embassy insists on a letter of invitation, please contact
Additional information regarding the visa application procedure, requirements for the issue and application forms in different languages are available at the website "visa regulations" of the German Foreign Office as well as at the respective websites of the embassies and consulates general.
Persons requiring a visa to enter Germany should submit their applications in good time prior to the respective trade show. A visa application is possible up to three months before entry.
For any VISA enquiry please choose out one of our worldwide representatives. The colleagues in your country will be glad to assist: